About Me

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Hello and welcome to my blog. I created this blog because I work a lot at home and people often act like it's NOT a job. I thought it would be a good idea to show people what actually goes on in the day of those of us who do work at home and juggle everything else as well. I am a MOM to 4 kids. I have a soon to be 27 yo son, a 24 yo daughter, an 18 yo son, and a 12 yo daughter. I also have a very soon to be 1 year old Grandson and another Grandson due in November. I have been very blessed with a wonderful family.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Does this bow look better with or w/out the butterfly?

I need to know if I should add a butterfly to this bow. It looks good to me, but too plain in the pics. Do you think I should leave it alone or add the butterfly?


  1. i'm guessing i'm waaay late on this, but i like the butterfly as well.
